Hating valentine's day
Auteurs   Rushby, Allison (Auteur)
Edition  Red Dress Ink : Paris , 2005
ISBN   978-0-373-89511-3
Langue d'édition   anglais
Sujets   Anglais : roman
Nombre de réservation(s) actuelle(s) : 0
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Mediatheque 1002117850218 823 RUSAdulte / Disponible
Résumé : Roses are red Violets are blue I hate Valentine's Day... Just like you. One of the top wedding photographers in town, Liv Hetherington, steadfastly single, hates Valentine's Day. This year she's putting her foot down and has vowed there'll be no dinner party set-ups, speed-dating frenzies or any other form of accidental dating organized by her father, flatmate or best friend. Liv's ecstatic, to say the least. Now she can concentrate on more important things like setting up her own studio and polishing off her Dickens collection. But are relationships really not for her? Drew, the new man in Liv's life, would beg to differ. As would Cupid, who's had enough of Liv being stubbornly single... Valentine's Day...bah, humbug. Or is that about to change?