Tall dark and handsome
Auteurs   Minhas, Nisha (Auteur)
Edition  POCKET BOOK,INC : New York , 2007
Collation   515 p.
Format   17 cm
ISBN   978-1-4165-1094-9
Prix   11,90 eur
Langue d'édition   anglais
Sujets   Anglais : roman
Nombre de réservation(s) actuelle(s) : 0
SiteNuméroCoteSection / LocalisationEtat
Mediatheque 1238347850210 823 MINAdulte / Disponible
Résumé : Forever unlucky in love, Saffron Harris has vowed never to fall for a good-looking rogue again. From now on, she'll only date plain men; men who'll appreciate her; men who won't cheat on her; men who won't break her heart. So when she meets the gorgeous Cory Roswell, Saffron decides he's not her type at all. Too tall, too dark and way too handsome. Multi-millionaire Cory, on the other hand, has tired of women after only one thing: his wallet. All he desires is a woman who'll love him for himself rather than his bank balance. He's therefore decided to be less than honest about his past. Despite this unpromising start, romance begins to blossom. But does a relationship based on lies ever stand a chance? It's only a matter of time before the mismatched lovers' secrets come bursting into the open - with surprising, and sometimes hilarious, results.